September 13, 2005
Women, Music and Social Change in India
Dr. Christine Garlough (Assistant Professor, Communication Arts, UW-Madison)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: Memorial Union
September 14, 2005
The Siddis (Africans) of India: Arts and Agency
Dr. Henry Drewal (Evjue-Bascom Professor of African and African Diaspora Arts, UW-Madison)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
September 22, 2005
Science and Society in Colonial India
Deepak Kumar (Professor, School of Physical Science, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, Delhi)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
November 10, 2005
When David Meets Goliath: How Global Trade Institutions Shape Domestic Politics
in India
Aseema Sinha (Assistant Professor, Political Science, UW-Madison)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
November 17, 2005
Writing Home and Hygiene: Women’s Writings, Self- Representation, and the
Dr. Srirupa Prasad (Visiting Assistant Professor, Medical History and Bioethics at the UW-Madison)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
December 8, 2005
Hinduism as a Legal Tradition
Don Davis (Assistant Professor, Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall