2009 Spring Lecture Series

February 5, 2009
The Context and Song texts of North Indian Art Music
Lalita du Perron (Associate Director, Center for South Asia)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 12, 2009
Textile Traditions of the Indus Valley and Ancient South Asia
J. Mark Kenoyer (Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology and Director, Center for South Asia)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 19, 2009
The Grace of Four Moons: Bodily Adornment in India Today
Pravina Shukla (Associate Professor, Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Indiana University)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 19, 2009
Material Spirits: Traditional Art in Contemporary Bangladesh
Henry Glassie (Professor, Department of Folklore, Indiana University)
Time: 7-9 PM
Location: 104 Van Hise Hall


February 26, 2009
The Parsi and the Queen: A Study in Indian Microhistory
John McLeod (Professor and Chair, Department of History, University of Louisville)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


March 5, 2009
Equality and Freedom in the Culture of the Developing World
Justice Christopher Weeramantry (former Judge and Vice-President of the International Court of Justice)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


March 12, 2009
The Trips Agreement and Access to Medicines
Jayashree Watal (Counsellor, Intellectual Property Division, World Trade Organization)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 336 Ingraham Hall


March 26, 2009
The Sanskrit Text in the Modern World: A Paradigmatic Case?
Simona Sawhney (Associate Professor, Asian Languages & Literature, University of Minnesota)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 1, 2009
Silks of South Asia
Dr. J. Mark Kenoyer (Professor & Chair, Department of Anthropology)
Time: 5-5:30 PM
Location: Rm 333 School of Human Ecology


April 2, 2009
The Risks of Acknowledgment: Grassroots Feminist Performance in South Asia and the Diaspora
Christine Garlough (Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Arts, UW-Madison)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 6, 2009
Pakistan in Transition: The Role of the Media and its potential
Imran Aslam (President, Geo TV, Pakistan)
Time: 4-6 PM
Location: 8417 Social Sciences Building


April 8, 2009
The Structure of Indus Script
Nisha Yadav (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 5230 Social Sciences Building


April 9, 2009
Origin and Growth of Astronomy in India
Mayank Vahia (Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 16, 2009
Women with Swords, Women with Guns: Fierce Funny Women in South India and the U.S.
Susan Seizer (Associate Professor of Gender Studies and Communication & Culture, Indiana University)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 23, 2009
Convict Carpets: Jails and the Revival of Historic Carpet Design in Colonial India
Abigail McGowan (Assistant Professor, History Department, University of Vermont)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 30, 2009
Telling Tales: Jains and Śaivaites and their Stories in Medieval South India
Phyllis Granoff (Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University)
Time: 12-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall