Equality and Freedom in the Culture of the Developing World
Sri Lankabhimanya Christopher Gregory Weeramantry former Justice of the Supreme Court of
Sri Lanka is a world-renowned legal scholar who has played a crucial role in strengthening and
expanding the rule of international law. His work demonstrates how international law can be
used to address current global challenges.
Justice Weeramantry served on the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka from 1967-1972. He was a
Judge of th International Court of Justice (ICJ) from 1991-2000, and was Vice-President of the
ICJ from 1997-2000. Judge Weeramantry serves on the Legal and Human Rights Advisory
Board of the Genetics Policy Institute. He is currently Emeritus Professor at Monash University, having previously served as Sir Hayden Starke Chair of Law from 1972 to 1991.
This lecture is co-sponsored by the Global Legal Studies Center with support from the Division
of International Studies, Global Studies, South Asia Legal Studies Working Group