2011 Spring Lecture Series

January 27
Public/Private Partnerships in India: An Agricultural Model to Enhance Rural Prosperity
John Peters (Director, UW Soil Testing Laboratories and Extension Soil Scientist)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 3
Preliminary geologic assessments of rock-cut temples and cut-stone monuments in South India
Randall Law (Honorary Fellow, Anthropology, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 10
The Māṭakkōvil Shrine Type in Kerala
Henri Schildt (Honorary Fellow, Center for South Asia, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 17
Nation and Family: Personal Law, Cultural Pluralism, and Gendered Citizenship in India
Narendra Subramanian (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, McGill University)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


February 24
Development Challenges in Afghanistan
Balasubramaniam Murali (Advisor for Afghanistan & Iran in UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Asia & the Pacific)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


March 3
Who Participates in Higher Education in India? Rethinking the Role of Affirmative Action
Rakesh Basant (Visiting Professor, Business, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


March 10
Predicaments of Plains Adibashis or Indigenous Groups in Bangladesh
Farida C. Khan (Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Center for International Studies, UW-Parkside)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


March 24
A More Democratic Pakistan?
S. Akbar Zaidi (Visiting Professor, International Public Affairs & Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, Columbia University)
Time: noon-1 PM


March 31
Parsi Legal Culture in British India
Mitra Sharafi (Assistant Professor of Law & History, University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 4
Globalization, Human Rights, and Agrarian Movements in Contemporary India
Deba Prashad Chatterjee (Associate Professor in Sociology, Maulana Azad College at the University of Calcutta, and Fulbright Visiting Lecturer at the Oklahoma State University)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 7
The emergence of the early Gupta style in gold coins and non-miniaturized arts
Ellen Raven (Lecturer, International Institute Asian Studies, Leiden)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 12
Developing a Strategy for South Asia: A Contrarian View
Thomas Hammes [Colonel, United States Marine Corps (Ret.)]
Time: 6-7 PM
Location: Pyle Center


April 14
The Problem of Return for Partition’s Punjabi Hindu Refugees
Neeti Nair (Assistant Professor of History, University of Virginia)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 21
Maternal and Child Health in Pakistan
Lauren Mueenuddin (Specialist in International Maternal and Newborn Health)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


April 28
Understanding India’s Rise as a Great Power
Kishan Rana (Distinguished International Visitor)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall


May 5
Mourning, Ambivalence, and Acceptance: Friends, Family and Sex Reassignment Surgery in Kolkata
Katherine Ewing (Professor of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Baishakhi Taylor (Associate Director, North Carolina Consortium for South Asian Studies; Program Director, Duke Engage Kolkata, India; Assistant Adjunct Professor of South Asian Studies)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall