Maternal and Child Health in Pakistan
Lauren Mueenuddin, a public health specialist, and South Asian FLAS Scholar, will discuss the current state of maternal, child and newborn health in Pakistan as well as some of the successful government and non-governmental interventions to address their needs. Lauren Mueenuddin has been working in the field of international maternal and child health for over 20 years, most recently at the World Bank in the Health, Nutrition and Population Unit in Washington DC. Prior to this, she spent fifteen years in Pakistan working in maternal and reproductive health (RH) with USAID (as Senior Technical Advisor and Deputy Chief of Party for the $50 million Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns), with the United Nations (UNICEF, UNFPA) and various international NGOs including Save the Children, the Population Council, Population Services International (PSI), and Doctors of the World. Her area of expertise is in the development of field-based interventions for maternal and newborn mortality reduction. She holds a masters degree in public health from Johns Hopkins University (2002) and a masters degree in International Affairs and South Asian Studies from Columbia University (1990).