February 2
Sustainability and Consumption
Thomas L Eggert (Senior Lecturer, Wisconsin School of Business)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
February 9
The Buddha’s Return Journey to Lumbinī
Gudrun Bühnemann (Professor and Chair, Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
February 16
Bhopal 27 Years On
Lalita du Perron (Associate Director, Center for South Asia, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
February 23
Mutations of Citizenship: India and the World
A. Aneesh (Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Studies, UW-Milwaukee)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
March 1
Islamic Architecture in Pakistan
Dr. Ahmad Shahid Rajput (Islamic Art Historian, Chairman Dept. of History and
Pakistan Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
March 8
Corruption Among India’s Politicians: What Do Asset Disclosures Suggest?
Rikhil Bhavnani (Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
March 15
What Happens in India When You Get Hurt?: Indian Tort Law
Marc Galanter (Professor of Law Emeritus, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
March 22
Personal Perspectives on Higher Education in India – Pre/Post Y2K
Giri Venkataramanan (Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
April 12
The Perils of Reporting in Pakistan
Pir Zubair Shah (Correspondent, The New York Times)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
April 19
Geographies of Youth Enterprise in India
Stephen Young (Assistant Professor, Geography and International Studies, UW-Madison)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
April 26
Chai Why? The Making of the Indian “National Drink”
Philip Lutgendorf (Professor of Hindi and Modern Indian Studies, University of Iowa)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall
May 3
The Feminization of Patronage: Urban Brokerage and the Locality of Power
Tarini Bedi (Senior Research Associate, Humanities Division; and Associate Director, South Asia Language and Area Center, and Committee on Southern Asian Studies, University of Chicago)
Time: noon-1 PM
Location: 206 Ingraham Hall