Employment Postings and Job Opportunities [2020-2021 Archive]

This list contains employment and job postings periodically sent to the Center and listed on weekly bulletins. These postings are organized by submission/application deadline. Posts are updated weekly. Please check with the organizers listed below for the most current information.

Spring 2021 Deadlines (January-May)

February Deadlines

Postdoctoral Scholar, Columbia University Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics
The Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE) and the Mellon-Sawyer Seminar on Trust and mistrust in Science and experts at Columbia University and The American Assembly invites applications from PhD or other doctoral-level degree holders for a postdoctoral position for a period of one year. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 5, 2021.

Financial Specialist, Language Program Office in the International Division at UW-Madison
The Language Program Office in the International Division at UW-Madison is excited to announce a search for a half-time Financial Specialist. This position will assist the current Financial Specialist with budgets, invoices, financial reporting, management of grant finances, reimbursements, travel arrangements, account reconciliation, and other duties. Application and instructions. Deadline February 10, 2021.

Instructional Professor (open rank) in Tamil Language, University of Chicago South Asian Languages and Civilizations
The Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations and the College of the University of Chicago seek an experienced teacher of Tamil language to help grow its existing offerings in South Asian languages. We invite applications for a position as an Instructional Professor (open rank) in Tamil language. The position begins in academic year 2021-22, with a start date of September 1, 2021. The selected candidate will be appointed at the rank of Assistant Instructional Professor, Associate Instructional Professor, or Instructional Professor, depending on qualifications and educational background. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 20, 2021.

Assistant Professor of International Affairs, Lafayette College
The International Affairs Program at Lafayette College invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning Fall 2021. We are a nationally-ranked interdisciplinary program in global studies and we seek applicants with expertise in global and transnational patterns of power, culture, and identity. Priority will be given to applicants with a demonstrated research agenda that reflects the transnational flows of people (e.g. diaspora, migration, refugees, labor) or ideas (e.g. colonialism, post-colonialism, indigeneity, race) and how these patterns intersect with systemic structures of inequality and exclusion. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 23, 2021.

Regional Flagship Languages Initiative Culture Initiative (RFLI CI) Instructional Design Specialist
The Regional Flagship Languages Initiative Culture Initiative (RFLI CI) Instructional Design Specialist will work closely with the RFLI CI Program Manager (PM) and other RFLI CI staff and partners to create, refine, and publish culture specific modules and scenarios for use by RFLI students and instructors of Indonesian, Hindi and Urdu, and Turkish as determined through the RFLI CI grant. The position will involve coordination with multiple staff, partners, and stakeholders; the ability to manage deadlines and requirements of the grant. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 24, 2021.

Tenure-track appointment in South Asian Cultures, York University
The Department of Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a professorial stream tenure-track appointment in South Asian Cultures at the Assistant Professor level, to commence July 1, 2021. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval. A PhD, or a PhD near completion, by the start of the appointment in South Asian Cultures with a demonstrated record of excellence or promise of excellence in research and in teaching. The successful candidate will demonstrate a breadth of coverage of appropriate cultural and historical areas from and about the region of South Asia and will be expected to teach South Asian religions in an introductory World Religion course. Application and instructions. Deadline February 26, 2021.

Lecturer, Jainism and South Asian Religions, University of California, Los Angeles
The Center for the Study of Religion at UCLA welcomes applications for a lectureship in Jainism and South Asian Religions. The position will be expected to teach a total of four courses over the 2021-2022 academic year. Two courses will be in the area of Jain Studies, one comparative course in the area of Jainism and non-violent religious traditions, and one course in Religions of India. This position will also assist the Center Director with programming in Jain Studies. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 26, 2021.

International Fellowships, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, Germany (Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities)
The KWI fellowship program addresses excellent researchers from the humanities, cultural studies, and the social sciences. The institute provides fellows with modern infrastructure, office space, technical support and offers a library service, event and research management as well as support in all administrative and communicative regards. We are inviting research fellows with a completed PhD plus up to six years of post-doctoral experience. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 26, 2021.

Research Assistant, South Asian and Islamic Art, San Diego Museum of Art
The Research Assistant will assist the Curator of South Asian and Islamic Art in planning the summer 2024 exhibition Wonders of Creation: Art, Science, and Innovation in the Islamic World with scholarly research and exhibition administration. The Research Assistant will contribute to this international loan exhibition intended to reach a wide audience, and the first major exhibition on Islamic visual culture in San Diego. Working closely with the curator, museum staff, and external lenders, donors, and scholars, this is an opportunity to gain firsthand experience in exhibition planning and general curatorial practice, including methods of display and interpretation, as well as knowledge of object storage, handling, installation, and conservation techniques. Currently approved for one year with potential for extension. Application and Instructions. Deadline February 28, 2021.

March Deadlines

Postdoctoral Instructor, World History, Samford University
Qualified candidates will ave earned a Ph.D. in History within the past four years from an institutionally accredited university and be able to teach in their chosen field of world history, with a preference for historians of Asia(any region), Central/Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, or the relations between separate regions. Application and Instructions. Deadline March 1, 2021.

Lecturer Pool, Punjabi Language, South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley
The department of South and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, invites application of a pool of qualified temporary non-tenure track lecturer positions to teach courses in introductory, intermediate and advanced Punjabi for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 should the need arise. Application and Instructions. Next application review March 12, 2021.

Associate Professor/Junior Associate Professor, Department of Indological Studies, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
The Department of Indological Studies, Graduate School of Letters & Faculty of Letters, at Kyoto University invites applications for a post-doctoral teaching fellow position. The main duty of this position is teaching Sanskrit Language and Literature. All the classes should be held in English, and Japanese ability is not required. The maximum term of employment is five years, non-renewable. Preference will be given to candidates who can work for three years or more.
Application and instructions. Deadline March 19, 2021.

Departmental Lecturer, Indian History and Culture, University of Oxford
The University is seeking to appoint a Departmental Lecturer of Indian History and Culture. The University interprets History and Culture widely, to include any historical period ancient, medieval, or modern, and any cultural field. Applications are invited from scholars of Indian history and culture regardless of disciplinary specialisation. On this occasion, however, we would particularly welcome applications from scholars in the field of sixteenth to twentieth century Indian history and culture. The Faculty of Oriental Studies is committed to the view that all disciplines must be studied on the basis of mastery of original languages. Application and Instructions. Deadline March 26, 2021.

Faculty Director, International Learning Community (ILC) Residential Program
Approximately 175 undergraduates will participate in the ILC in 2021-2022. The faculty director, with the assistance of a program coordinator and residence life staff, leads this diverse community that serves as a welcoming environment for both domestic and international students with a passion for international exploration. Students build a strong community with each other and with UW-Madison staff and faculty who share their interests. Application and Instructions. Deadline March 31, 2021.

Assistant Director, UC San Diego Seventh College Synthesis Program
The Academic Coordinator (AC) will work with the Director of the Program to create a new project-based course related to the climate crisis or an intersecting challenge. The AC serves as an Assistant Director in the program and is responsible for the day-to-day oversight and administration of Synthesis 100. The AC will assist with recruitment and collaboration with faculty teaching the course and foster partnerships with campus and community partners who will serve as sites for course projects. The AC hires teaching assistants, observes their teaching and supervises and evaluates their work. In addition, the AC works closely with college administrators and related college and university programs, such as the Writing Hub, the Engaged Teaching Hub, OASIS, and the office of Academic Integrity, to ensure that students have the necessary resources for succeeding in SYN 100. Application and Instructions. Deadline March 31, 2021.

Visiting Assistant Professor in South Asian Religions, Claremont McKenna College
Claremont McKenna College invites applications for a one-year (2021-2022) non-tenure-track appointment as visiting assistant professor of religious studies in the field of South Asian Religions with a focus on Hinduism. The teaching load is 5 courses per year, with most courses averaging 19 students or less. Application and Instructions. Posted February 28, 2021.

Director of Contracts and Compliance, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
CTFL has an immediate opening for a Director of Contracts and Compliance. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Director of Contracts and Compliance is responsible for developing, managing, and administering Government contracts and subcontract agreements of varying size and complexity. The Director of Contracts and Compliance oversees contract administration and ensures compliance with ACTFL policies and procedures, applicable federal rules and regulations, and ethical standards. The Director of Contracts and Compliance leads and manages the contracts team. Application and Instructions. Posted March 5, 2021.

April Deadlines

Foreign Language Test Item Expert “Consultant” Worldwide
The American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS (“American Councils”) is seeking highly qualified test item developers (in the area of foreign language) to review, revise, and approve listening and reading comprehension test items. These test items will be calibrated to the U.S. government’s Inter-Agency Language Roundtable (ILR) foreign language proficiency scale. Item reviews will be conducted on the English language versions of test items developed for use in multiple languages, all ILR performance scale levels. Application and Instructions. Deadline unspecified.

Hindi-Urdu Language Partners, South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative (SAFLI)
SAFLI language partners will work with Hindi and/or Urdu language students and will participate in a mandatory orientation meeting at the beginning of the summer. The orientation meeting addresses general topics such as the goals of the SAFLI Program, expectations of SAFLI students and language partners, program logistics, remuneration, supervision, and procedures for addressing questions or problems. Application and Instructions. Deadline April 16, 2021.

May Deadlines

Senior Lecturer in Asian Art and Architecture Vanderbilt University Department of History of Art and Architecture
The Department of History of Art and Architecture at Vanderbilt University invites applications for the position of Senior Lecturer in Asian Art and Architecture (non-tenure-track, 1-year appointment, renewable for up to 3 years) beginning in the 2021 fall semester. The successful candidate will have teaching interests/expertise in any area of the history of Asian art, architecture, and material culture, especially those areas of South, Southeast, or East Asia that complement our current faculty in the History of Art and Architecture and Asian Studies. Teaching load 3/3. Application and instructions. Deadline: May 14, 2021.

Financial Manager, Language Program Office, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The LPO is in need of a Financial Manager (aka financial wizard) to help manage the budgets, payroll, grants, reporting, etc. and keep our office running smoothly. Application and Instructions. Deadline May 19, 2021.

Financial Specialist, Institute for Regional and International Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This position is part of a team of business operations and financial specialists in the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This position is responsible for developing and maintaining financial data and all related record-keeping activities for the area studies centers assigned to this position. Application and instructions. Deadline May 26, 2021.

Administrative Assistant, Language Program Office, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The LPO is also in need of an Administrative Assistant, whose role is just as crucial to the running of the office, with a focus on assisting with program and office management and assisting with financial tasks. Application and instructions. Deadline May 26, 2021.

Other Spring Deadlines

Resident Director (Jaipur), South Asian Languages Initiative Program
The South Asian Languages Initiative program, located in Jaipur, India, assists learners of Hindi in the acquisition of the targeted South Asian language and culture. The SAFLI programs consist of intensive, structured language instruction; and peer tutors/conversation partners with native speakers of the selected target language. The SAFLI Program Resident Director serves as American Councils’ representative in Jaipur in the areas of participants’ health, safety, academic performance, and program logistics. Application and Instructions. Deadline unspecified.

Resident Director (Lucknow), South Asian Languages Initiative Program
The South Asian Languages Initiative program, located in Lucknow, India, assists learners of Urdu in the acquisition of the targeted South Asian language and culture. The SAFLI programs consist of intensive, structured language instruction; and peer tutors/conversation partners with native speakers of the selected target language. The SAFLI Program Resident Director serves as American Councils’ representative in Lucknow in the areas of participants’ health, safety, academic performance, and program logistics. Application and Instructions. Deadline unspecified.

Associate Director, Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, Stanford University
The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies and the Mediterranean Studies Forum (both part of the Stanford Global Studies Division) are academic hubs that foster academic events, research, and teaching related to Islamic Studies and Mediterranean Studies at Stanford University. Reporting to both the Faculty Director and the SGS Executive Director, the Associate Director position provides leadership on programmatic, curricular, and administrative issues. The Associate Director works closely with the Faculty Director and affiliated faculty to facilitate and enhance the two units’ programming, curricular, and fundraising efforts. Application and Instructions. Deadline unspecified.

Assistant Professor, South Asian Art Practice and/or Architectural History, Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University, Department of History of Art and Architecture invites applications for a position at the rank of Assistant Professor of the Practice in the area of South Asian art and/or architectural history. Teaching load: 3-3. This is a three-year non-tenure track appointment. Application and Instructions. Deadline unspecified.

American Councils for International Education is hiring short-term Resident Directors for summer language immersion programs abroad for American high school and college students studying one of 15 critical languages, including Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu. Application and Instructions. Rolling deadline until positions are filled.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Caste, Race, and Social Exclusion, University of Pennsylvania
The Department of South Asia Studies at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Caste, Race, and Social Exclusion as part of the Department’s two-year initiative on “Caste and Race: Past and Present,” which is meant to lay the foundation for a more enduring curricular and faculty engagement with caste and race for South Asia at Penn. Application and instructions. Opened March 19, 2021.

Summer 2021 Deadlines (June-August)

June Deadlines

Instructional Design Specialist, Regional Flagship Language Initiatives Culture Initiative, UW-Madison
The Regional Flagship Language Initiatives Culture Initiative (RFLI CI) Instructional Design Specialist will be responsible for ensuring that the overall design of the culture initiative (culture scenarios, culture notes, in-class curricular activities, and additional materials to be used with the culture modules) is in keeping with curricular design theory and best practices. This position will work closely with the RFLI CI Program Manager (PM) and the content creators who are responsible for developing the scenarios to be used by Boren-funded students learning intensive Indonesian, Hindi and Urdu, and Turkish during the summer and fall terms. Application and Instructions. Deadline June 6, 2021.

Chief of Staff, International Division, UW-Madison
The chief of staff serves as a senior advisor to the dean/vice provost of the International Division. Duties include planning and directing all administrative, financial, and operational activities for leadership of the division; organizing and prioritizing critical issues and required information for the dean/vice provost to facilitate efficient decision-making. Application and Instructions. Deadline June 15, 2021.

Academic Coordinator II, University of California Berkeley Language Center
The Berkeley Language Center (BLC) at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for an Academic Coordinator II in the area of applied linguistics to serve as the Executive Director. The BLC provides intellectual, pedagogical, and technological support for the teaching of languages on the Berkeley campus, in the Bay Area, and beyond. Application and Instructions. Deadline June 26, 2021.

Assistant, Associate or Full Teaching Professor, Computational Social Science, University of California San Diego
The Division of Social Sciences invites applications for an Associate or Full Teaching Professor position in Computational Social Science, with a start date of July 1st, 2021.Candidates must be able to contribute to the full range of undergraduate and graduate Computational Social Science programs as well as one specific social science discipline. Our priority is to attract candidates strong in relevant technical areas who could teach hands-on courses on modern computational social science methods at the undergraduate and graduate level. Application and Instructions. Deadline June 30, 2021.

July Deadlines

Intelligence Research Specialist, U.S. Department of State
This position is in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Office of Opinion Research, Near East/South Asia Division and is responsible for providing all-source intelligence analysis on the countries of South Asia and on the politics, foreign policy, and economics of the countries in the regions by analyzing foreign affairs intelligence and public opinion. Performs daily review, reporting, and briefing to high-ranking officials on the subject matter as it involves U.S. intelligence interests. Application and Instructions. Deadline July 7, 2021.

August Deadlines

Lecturer in South Asian Studies, SOAS, University of London
The Lecturer in South Asian Languages and Cultures will play a key role in developing and implementing the School’s vision for research, teaching and student experience. This role will teach and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of South Asian literatures, cinemas and cultural studies, as well as language acquisition modules when appropriate. Contributing to MA programmes hosted by the department including MA in Postcolonial Studies, MA Comparative Literatures, MA Cultural Studies and MA Translation Studies. It will engage in high-level research and publish internationally; taking a leadership role in pursuing internal and external collaborative funding opportunities; supervise and examine research students; and play an effective and collegial role in the life of the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics and of SOAS more generally. Application and Instructions. Deadline August 22, 2021.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
The Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher fellow in the Department of South Asian Studies with a focus on the history, religion, culture, or politics of contemporary or modern India. The position is for 1yr with the possibility of extension. Applicants must have a PhD at the time of application. Application and Instructions. Deadline August 24, 2021.

Faculty Positions in Development, Azim Premji University, Bangalore
Azim Premji University has a clear social purpose – to contribute to a just, equitable, humane, and sustainable society.  The University is focused on fields of education and development through its programs of study that prepare professionals with integrity, competence, and social commitment. We invite applications for faculty positions in environment and climate change, development theories and histories, technology and development, gender in development and public health.  Candidates with Ph.D. or equivalent in relevant domains interested in teaching, research and practice are encouraged to apply. Application and instructions here. For more information, write to facultypositions@apu.edu.in.

Assistant Professor in South Asian History, Davidson College
The History Department at Davidson College invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in South Asian History beginning July 1, 2022. Candidates should be highly committed to excellence in both undergraduate teaching and scholarly research. Ph.D. in History or related field expected by June 30, 2022. The successful candidate will teach five courses each year (four in their first year) among them pre-modern and modern South Asian history surveys and upper-level courses of their own design. The candidate will also participate in the college’s South Asian Studies Program and Writing Program. Application and Instructions.

Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology, University of San Diego
The Department of Music at the University of San Diego announces a tenure-track position in Ethnomusicology at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful applicant will be actively engaged in teaching, research, and publications. Teaching responsibilities will include introductory courses as well as upper‑level undergraduate courses. Candidates with interdisciplinary specializations intersecting with themes of Borders, Technology and the Human Experience, or Environmental Justice will be preferred. Application and Instructions. Post open until filled.

Fall 2021 Deadlines (September-December)

September Deadlines

Assistant Professor, Sanskrit Studies, University of California Berkeley
The Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor in Sanskrit Studies, tenure track.Duties will include developing and teaching graduate and undergraduate courses, supervising graduate students, coordination of the Sanskrit language programs, supervision of graduate degree candidates, and participation in the administrative activities of the department and the University. Application and Instructions. Deadline September 15, 2021.