Conferences, Symposia, Workshops, and Calls for Papers

This list contains calls for papers and announcements for conferences, workshops, symposia, and the like broadly pertaining to South Asian Studies. These postings are organized by submission/application deadline. Posts are updated weekly. Please check with the organizers listed below for the most current information.

Spring 2022 Deadlines (January-May)

January Deadlines

IIP Sehgal Foundation Virtual Development Internship
The Sehgal Foundation, a rural development NGO, invites applicants to several internship programs focusing on rural development.
More information here
Deadline: January 23, 2022.

February Deadlines

Boren Scholarships and Fellowships Applications Now Open
The applications for 2022 Boren Scholarships and Fellowships, including the Regional Flagship Language Initiatives, are now OPEN. Please check the Boren Awards website for information on 2022 awards and application criteria.
Deadline to apply for Boren Fellowship: January 26 at 5:00 pm EST/4:00 pm CST
Deadline to apply to Boren Scholarship: February 2 at 5:00 pm EST/4:00 pm CST

AIPS 2022 Senior and Junior Research Fellowships
The American Institute of Pakistan Studies is excited to offer Senior and Junior Research Fellowships to AIPS members for 2022-2023. Fellowships are available to both post-doctoral scholars (Senior fellowships) and pre-doctoral scholars who have completed all requirements of a Ph.D. except dissertation (Junior fellowships) and priority may be given to applicants who have not received an AIPS fellowship in the past two years.
Deadline: February 1, 2022.
More information here.

AIIS Summer Student Fellowships for Digital Sonic and Visual Projects
AIIS invites applications for five two-month student fellowships for the summer of 2022 to carry out original projects using the resources of the two AIIS research centers in India (Archives and Research Center for Ethnomusicology (ARCE) and Center for Art and Archaeology (CA&A)). Eligible applicants include graduate and undergraduate students (juniors, seniors, and rising juniors) at institutions of higher education in the United States.  Students should email their application packet as a single PDF to
Deadline: February 1, 2022.
More information here.

NFMLTA/NCOLCTL Graduate Students Research Support Award
The National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (NFMLTA) and the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), Graduate Students Research Support Award supports graduate student research in the fields of applied linguistics and language education with small grants focused on the teaching and learning of less commonly taught languages (all languages except English, Spanish, French, and German).
Deadline: February 7
More information here. 

MESAAS Graduate Student Conference 2022: Borders and Boundaries 
The Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies (MESAAS) at Columbia University is pleased to announce its annual Graduate Student Conference to be held on 24–25 March 2022. The theme this year interrogates borders and boundaries: exploring what these formations mean, how they come to be fixed and changed, what they engender and obfuscate. The conference will predominantly be held on Zoom. We invite graduate students from across the world to submit a 350–400 word abstract for a twenty-minute presentation along with a 100-word bio via this form: by Monday, February 7, 2022.

Notification of paper acceptance will be sent by the end of February. You can keep updated on the conference via Twitter: For any questions or inquiries, please contact

FLAS Fellowship for SASLI
A FLAS fellowship for SASLI covers the full tuition amount as well as a fixed stipend of $2,500. Fellowships are awarded based on a national competition and are open to graduate students who are currently enrolled in a degree program and who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
Deadline: February 14
More information here.

South Asian Studies Association Annual Conference 2022
The South Asian Studies Association, established in 2007, will hold its annual conference online and on Zoom the weekend of March 11, 12, 13, 2022. The submission of full panel presentations is encouraged. Deadline for proposal submissions: February 15, 2022. Please direct any questions to Chris Chapple, SASA President, Please submit through this link:

LUMS Urdu Program
The Lahore University of Management Sciences Urdu program conducts Urdu language instruction at all levels. The 8 week program also includes field trips, guest speakers, and personal tutorials in addition to classroom instruction.
Deadline: February 15, 2022.
More information here.

Henry L. Stimson Center’s South Asia Program Junior Fellows 
The Henry L. Stimson Center’s South Asia Program welcomes applications from highly motivated graduating seniors or individuals who have completed their undergraduate or master’s degree in the past year for its 2022-2023 cohort of Junior Fellows.
Deadline: February 17, 2022
More information here

South Asian Languages in the Diaspora (SALD) Conference 2022
The South Asian Languages in the Diaspora (SALD) Conference, Co-sponsored by South Asian Studies Council, MacMillan Center, Yale University; South Asia Institute, University of Texas at Austin; and South Asian Language Programs, New York University, seeks to provide a platform to educators and related stakeholders in the field of South Asian languages, literatures, and translation, to share experiences and create meaningful partnershipsProposals are solicited for presentation in ‘lightening rounds’ (10 mins each).While any theme related to the teaching and learning of South Asian languages in the diaspora are welcome, preference will be given to presentations addressing pedagogical innovations promoting critical thinking and creative self-expression in the target language, and issues of diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI), social justice with examples for integration of language, culture and content.In the proposal please include the following: (i) Name of presenter, institutional affiliation & language if applicable (ii) Tentative title (iii) 100 words abstract for inclusion on the program website (iv) Proposal text (approximately half page write up).
Deadline for proposals: February 20th. Applicants will be notified by Sunday March 6th as to whether their proposal has been accepted. Please send all submissions and inquiries to

2022 Rustgi Undergraduate Conference on South Asia
(Mis)Information, April 29 and 30, 2022, University at Buffalo, SUNY
The University at Buffalo, SUNY, is proud to hold its fourth annual Rustgi Undergraduate Conference on South Asia. We invite papers on the theme of “(Mis)information,” which may be interpreted broadly in its social or political sense. The 2021 Rustgi conference will feature a keynote lecture from novelist, essayist, and journalist Dr. Michael Muhammad Knight, Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Central Florida. As a scholar, Knight has explored misinformation by contending with prominent descriptions of Islam in media, dissecting concepts of religious othering both within and outside of the Muslim community. His works include The Taqwacores, Why I Am a Five Percenter, and Magic in Islam. We welcome undergraduate participants studying South Asia from all disciplines to submit proposals, preferably but not necessarily working on any topic relating to the theme. Possible topics of discussion include: i) Censorship (of journalism and activist voices ii) Role of information in religious conflicts iii) Disinformation iv) Digital literacy v) Institutions that diffuse information vi) Determinants of beliefs arising from information vii) Future of misinformation viii) Ethics of information dissemination. Proposals, including 250-word abstracts and the contact information of a faculty supervisor, must be submitted via the online submissions portal ( by Sunday, February 20, 2022. We are able to provide a limited number of presenters with a travel subvention of up to US$200. Accepted participants who attend in person will also be provided with shared hotel accommodations. Please contact for more information about the conference.

Project GO summer 2022 Domestic Programs
Project GO provides fully funded scholarships to students commissioning through Air Force, Army, and Naval ROTC to study critical languages domestically and abroad. Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced Hindi are offered through the South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI). Students must wait to apply to SASLI until after receiving and accepting a Project GO award.
Project GO common application deadline: February 22, 2022.
Apply here. 

Michigan State University Advanced Online Language Teaching (OLT) Courses
The Less Commonly Taught and Indigenous Languages Partnership (LCTL) announce a call for applications for our Advanced Online Language Teaching (OLT) courses, open to all foreign language instructors within the USA. The course is fully funded.
Deadlines: Creating Engaging Materials: February 28th, 2022
Post-Pandemic Language Teaching: March 28th, 2022

More information here.

March Deadlines

Emory Conference on Hindi
The Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies at Emory University invites paper submissions for the inaugural Emory Conference on Hindi Language and Culture. The conference will adopt a hybrid format—on Zoom and in person on the Emory University campus —and will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 23–24, 2022. The theme of this year’s Emory Conference on Hindi 2022 will be “New Directions in Hindi Language Instruction.”
Deadline for abstract submission is March 1st, 2022
More information

50th Annual Conference on South Asia
We are excited to announce the submission portal for the 50th Annual Conference on South Asia will open on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, for all proposal types. The theme for this year’s conference is Rebuilding: Tradition and Innovation. We invite proposals related to all countries of South Asia across a diverse range of disciplines.
The 50th ACSA is scheduled to meet in-person, October 19-22, 2022 (Wed-Sat), at the Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club in Madison, Wisconsin.
Submission Deadlines (by 11:59 PM CST)
Symposium proposals: Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Panel, round table, and single paper proposals: Monday, April 4, 2022
Film proposals: Friday, May 6, 2022.
More information here

CFP: Property and Being under Colonial Conditions in Asia and Africa
May 13th and 14th, 2022
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
This in-person interdisciplinary conference aims to explore how comparing intellectual, cultural, social, political-economic, and legal histories of property from African and Asian colonial contexts may help us rethink ideas about land, ownership, dispossession, rights, credit, subjectivities, and political imaginations. Participants will engage with the historically sedimented entanglements of colonial policy and indigenous practices, developmentalist desires, and cultural and climatic change. To apply, please submit an abstract of 250-300 words, and a short bio of about 150 words at by March 1, 2022.

Human Rights Internship Nepal
Internship Nepal welcomes students and professionals from around the world to join their internship programs in Nepal.
Email contact:

International Internship Program
The International Internship Program will be offering part-time, virtual international internships with organizations all over the world for spring 2022.  Please check the Internship Database for a list of opportunities. There is NO FEE for IIP virtual internships. Credit is optional.  This is a great opportunity to gain professional and cross-cultural experience.