Spring Deadlines (January – May)
January Deadlines
The Annual South Asia Graduate Student Conference at the University of Chicago invites proposals from graduate students at all levels on various theme relating to South Asia. More information is available here.
Panjab Studies Call for Papers
The Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life invites scholars from any discipline to submit paper proposals for a two-day workshop, “Panjab at the Limits of Indian History,” to be held at Columbia University in New York City on April 24-25, 2020. The workshop seeks to explore “Panjab” and “Panjabi” amid the assumptions, contradictions and elisions of the conventional study of South Asia. Complete details including funding possibilities are available here. Submission deadline is January 10, 2020.
Sacred Texts and Human Contexts Conference Call for Papers
Nazareth College, Hickey Center for Interfaith Studies and Dialogue is pleased to announce its sixth conference, again bringing together scholars from around the globe to share research on contemporary issues in religion and social sciences. Sacred Texts and Human Contexts: Mystical Traditions, Approaches to Peaceful Coexistence will be held in Rome, June 7-10, 2020. Full details on the conference and paper submission are available here. Submission deadline is January 15, 2020.
South Asian Youth Initiative Conference
The South Asian Youth Initiative, organized through Yale an Columbia, has an overarching goal of creating community amongst young South Asians and South Asian-Americans from all over the US while also serving as a forum for activism, discussion and solidarity. The Conference is scheduled for February 8, 2020. Additional details are available here, including opportunities for financial support and housing. Registration deadline is January 20, 2020.
Consuming Early Modernity Call for Papers
The Graduate Early Modern Student Society (GEMSS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites papers exploring early modernity to be presented at its fourth annual symposium on Friday, April 17, 2020. We seek to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue among graduate students interested in early modernity however defined. Complete details are available here.Submission deadline is January 31, 2020.
Linguistics Conference Call for Submissions
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Linguistics Students Organization invites submissions for papers to be presented at the 17th annual Workshop in General Linguistics (WIGL 17), to be held Saturday-Sunday, 4-5 April 2020 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Accordingly, this year’s workshop particularly encourages submissions on second language acquisition, with a special emphasis on syntax and semantics. However, submissions are welcome in any field of descriptive, applied, or theoretical linguistics. Submission details are available here. Submission deadline is January 31, 2020.
February Deadlines
UW TAGS Symposium Call for Papers
The Trans-Asia Graduate Student Association is pleased to announce the Seventh Annual Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference at UW-Madison, encompassing Asia-related research across a wide range of fields. Complete conference details are available here. Submission deadline is February 2, 2020.
Digital South Asia Preconference Call for Papers
A Preconference on “Digital Cultures of South Asia: Inequalities, Infrastructures, Informatization” will take place on May 21, 2020 as part of the International Communication Association main conference in Australia. Complete preconference details are available here. Submission deadline is February 3, 2020.
South Asian Languages Call for Papers
Yale University Conference on South Asian Languages, Literatures and Translation in the 21st Century announces a call for papers on the topic: South Asian languages in the diaspora. This conference is held in conjunction with the annual Yale Hindi Debate est.2008 (March 27-29, 2020). Please submit a proposal focused around the following areas: a) administrating and running language and literature courses; b) designing and developing projects for material development and translation across departments and institutions; c) pedagogical innovations in the 21st century classroom. Proposals and questions should be submitted to Seema Khurana. Submission deadline is February 16, 2020.
Global Health Symposium Call for Papers
With its 16th annual Global Health Symposium on April 7, 2020, the UW-Madison Global Health Institute invites indigenous scholars and community members to help explore the many ways to advance health across the world. They will join faculty, staff, clinicians and students from the UW-Madison community who will share their global research, education and outreach projects. “Connecting Scientific Knowledge and Indigenous Wisdom” will explore the intersection of traditional practices that advance well-being and academic research, education and outreach projects that also promote health. Complete details are available here. Submission deadline is February 18, 2020.
Graduate Studies Conference Call for Papers
The Center for South Asia at Stanford University is now accepting submissions for their May 7, 2020 conference. This year’s theme is “The Erotic.” Complete conference and submission details are available here. Submission deadline is February 25, 2020.
April Deadlines
Legal Studies Workshop Call for Papers
The 14th Annual South Asian Legal Studies Workshop at UW-Madison invites submissions for short papers and project proposal relating to any aspect of the study of law and South Asia. Additional workshop information and submission guidelines are available here. Submission deadline is April 10, 2020
Conference Submission Deadline Extended
Due to the disruptions COVID-19 has caused, the Annual Conference on South Asia has extended the submission deadlines for Single Papers, Panels, and Roundtables to Sunday, April 26th at 11:59 PM CST. Full submission guidelines are available on the conference website.
May Deadlines
The Journal of Urdu Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of Urdu across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The journal
publishes research articles, translations, review articles, and book reviews. It welcomes
submissions in a range of disciplines, including, inter alia, art, anthropology, cultural studies, film and media studies, history, language, literature, philology, philosophy, and religious studies. The editors of the Journal of Urdu Studies welcome submissions for the next issue to be published in October. More information and submission guidelines are available here.
Fall Deadlines (September – December)
September Deadlines
Pakistani Literature Panel Call for Papers
This panel seeks to investigate the portrayal of religious and ethnic minorities in Pakistani literature. This session is part of the 51st NeMLA Convention to be held in Boston from 5 – 8 March, 2020. Additional conference and submission details are available here. Submission deadline is September 30, 2019.
October Deadlines
NCOLCTL Call for Proposals
The 23rd Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages is scheduled for April 17-19, 2020, on 2020 Vision: LCTL’s Collective Mission for the next Decade.Proposals are invited for individual papers, posters, and colloquia. More information is available here. Submission deadline is October 1, 2019.
Cultural Politics of Resistance Call for Papers
Graduate students at UW-Madison are invited to participate in a workshop on the Cultural Politics of Resistance in Asia, led by Prajak Kongkirati. Complete details on the event and submissions are available here. Submission deadline is October 7, 2019.
AASU Conference
The UW-Madison Asian American Student Union is holding a one-day conference – MAASUx: Bamboo Among the Oaks – on November 16, 2019. Event details are available here. Registration and submission deadline is October 16, 2019.
Climate Change and Human Rights Call for Papers
The Wisconsin International Law Scholars Conference (WILSC) invites scholars and advanced PhD candidates to submit abstracts for their upcoming conference on Climate Change and Human Rights, April 2-3, 2020. Conference and submission details are available here. Submission deadline is October 18, 2019.
Yale Modern South Asia Workshop Call for Papers
This two day workshop will bring together the work of advanced graduate students and recent PhDs working on topics of current interest in modern South Asian Studies. Submission details are available here. Submission deadline is October 25, 2019.
November Deadlines
4W Initiative Call for Proposals
UW-Madison’s 4W Initiative: Women and Wellbeing in Wisconsin and the World, the UW-System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, and the UW-Madison Gender and Women’s Studies Graduate Studies invite proposals for their April 16-18, 2020 conference – Resistance and Reimagination: Gender, Change, and the Arts. Complete conference and submission details are available here. Submission deadline is November 1, 2019.
UPenn Troubling Translation(s) Conference Call for Papers
The Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication, Program for Comparative Literature and Theory, Department of South Asia Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Middle East Center, and South Asia Center of the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to invite submissions to our 2020 graduate student conference Troubling Translation(s) to be held on February 21 and 22, 2020 in Philadelphia, PA. Conference and submission details available here. Submission deadline is November 4, 2019.
SACPAN Call for Proposals
The South Asia Conference of the Pacific Northwest is now accepting proposals for presentations and panels for the 2020 conference, scheduled for February 28-29, 2020. This year’s theme is “Gaps, Frontiers, and Blindspots in South Asian Studies.”Submission details are available here. Submission deadline is November 15, 2019.
SAGSC Call for Submissions
The South Asia Graduate Student Conference at the University of Chicago seeks paper submissions for the 17th annual conference – Reception, Tradition, and Canonization: Pasts and Presents in South Asia. The conference is scheduled for March 5-6, 2020.Complete details are available here. Submission deadline is November 30, 2019.
Jain Studies Program
The International School for Jain Studies announces the 2nd Winter Program on Jain Studies in Ahmedabad, December 28, 2019-January 7, 2020. Complete program details are available here. Application deadline is November 30, 2019.
December Deadlines
Indigeneity Symposium Call for Papers
The Center for South Asian Studies at the University of Hawai‘i is happy to announce the second year of our Symposium Series. The 2020 theme is Indigeneity. The symposium is scheduled for April 15-17, 2020. Complete submission guidelines are available here. Submission deadline is December 20, 2019.
Ethnography Incubator Call for Submissions
Each year, the Ethnography Incubator invites four faculty fellows and six graduate student fellows to the University of Chicago to participate in a two-day panel and workshop series. The Incubator is designed to advance ethnographic methodologies, provide hands-on mentorship to graduate student fellows, and build an interdisciplinary community of ethnographers. We invite applications from graduate students in any discipline who are engaged in dissertation-level, ethnographic research.Complete submission details are available here. Submission deadline is December 20, 2019.
Symposium on Jainism and Mathematics Call for Papers
The Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA) and The Jain Center of Greater Boston (JCGB) will hold an International Symposium on ancient Jain Mathematics on June 20-21, 2020 at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston. Complete details are available here. Submission deadline is December 31, 2019.
Other recommended journals for publishing your work
- Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (January deadline)