Priyadarshi Amar

Credentials: PhD Student

Position title: Political Science and Applied Economics

Previous Institution(s)
Kings College London, University of Delhi
Areas of General Interest
My interest lies at the intersection of political economy and development economics with a focus on India. Since 2016, I’ve worked as a research associate for Rikhil Bhavnani on multiple projects examining the role of local institutions in economic development. I am developing a dissertation on the long term effects of colonial interventions, including military recruitment, on contemporary political and economic attitudes and behaviors in India.
List of published and non-published works
Amar, P. “Political Leg acy of Colonial Military Service.”
Amar, P. “Do Graduate Politicians Affect Economic Activity? Evidence from India.”
Favorite part about CSA
South Asia Conference
Cricket, Biking, Travelling
Favorite part of living in Madison
The vibe of the city!!