Tanushree Rawat

Credentials: Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Position title: Graduate Student

Placeholder headshot
Previous Institution(s)
Teach for India, Manipal Institute of Technology
Areas of Research Interest
I study how public schools in India integrate technology (specially computers and internet) to further student interests within the formal school environment. Currently, I am working on my dissertation that explore how school leaders overcome challenges presented to them by new technologies in traditionally low-resource communities. My research is with collaboration with CLIx (Connected Learning Initiative) project at Tata Institute for Social Sciences.
Areas of General Interest
I broadly look at the role of technology in furthering equitable educational opportunities for all students.
List of published and non-published works
  • Halverson, R., Barnicle, A., Hackett, S., Rawat, T., Rutledge, J., Kallio, J., Mould, C., & Mertes, J. (2015).
  • Personalization in Practice: Observations from the Field (WCER Working Paper 2015-8). Retrieved from University of Wisconsin–Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research website: http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/publications/workingPapers/papers.php
What is your favorite part about CSA?
Opportunities to network with other researchers studying South Asia.
Dancing, Cooking, Walking along the lake.
Favorite part of living in Madison
My two favorites of Madison are the community and the Terrace! UW-Madison has an extremely collaborative community that nurtures research from multiple perspectives. I am grateful to have learnt from and worked with some of the best minds in my field. Also, Terrace Sunsets are extra-ordinary and I absolutely love walking on the Lakeshore Path from education building till Picnic Point.