Pearly Wong

Credentials: PhD Student

Position title: Anthropology, Environment and Resources (Nelson Institute)

Previous Institution(s)
UNESCO, United Nations University
Areas of Research Interest
development, sustainability, mobility, Nepal, subaltern agency, higher education in prison
Areas of General Interest
Decolonizing knowledge, Cultural Politics, Postcolonial studies
List of published and non-published works
Wong, P. (2021). Dependent convenience: Migration, agrarian change, and socioecological sustainability in Dakshinkali, Nepal. Economic Anthropology.

Wong. P. (2020). Linking “Local” To “Global”: Framing Environmental Justice Movements Through Progressive Contextualization. Interface: a journal for and about social movements 12 (2): 215 – 243

Wong, P. (2020). Achieving Environmental Justice: Lessons from the Global South. In K. Legun, J. Keller, M. Bell, & M. Carolan (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology (pp. 497-514). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wong, P. (2020). The Vulnerable State and Technical Fixes: An Analysis of Climate Change Policy and Adaptation Strategy in Nepal. Himalaya 39 (2).

Favorite part about CSA
I love the amazing community of scholars and friends, as well as the myriad opportunities for language study, collaboration, and samosas!
read, sing, dance, eat
Favorite part of living in Madison
The lake, the four seasons, the right size