Please join us in congratulating the following South Asia Studies Faculty and Affiliate Faculty in their recent accomplishments!
Rikhil Bhavnani (Associate Professor, Political Science, UW-Madison) and Bethany Lacina (Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Rochester) announce their recent book, Nativism and Economic Integration across the Developing World: Collision and Accommodation, published by Cambridge University Press.
Nathan McGovern (Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies, UW-Whitewater) announces his recent book, The Snake and the Mongoose: The Emergence of Identity in Early Indian Religion, published by Oxford University Press.
Luke Whitmore (Assistant Professor, Philosophy, UW-Stevens Point) announces his recent book, Mountain, Water, Rock, God, published by University of California Press.
Look for our Faculty Bookshelf coming soon – a new listing of publications and films by our South Asian Studies faculty and affiliates!