Graduate Students
Rana, Prerna
Dr. Darshana Sreedhar Mini and Shahana Munazir Receive AIIS Fellowships
Congratulations to Dr. Darshana Sreedhar Mini and Shahana Munazir on receiving fellowships from the American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS)! Darshana Sreedhar Mini, assistant professor in the Department of Communication Arts, was awarded a senior fellowship to …
Saloni Bhogale wins a 2022 IRIS Fieldwork Award
Saloni Bhogale, PhD student working on Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science, was one among seven UW-Madison students who received the IRIS Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork Award. She plans to do fieldwork in …
Translated Essays by Ujaan Ghosh and Amrita Chowdhury Published in Critical Discourse in Odia
Amrita Chowdhury (Ph.D. Student, Asian Languages and Cultures) and Ujaan Ghosh (Ph.D Candidate, Art History) translated two essays of Sacchidananda Mishra and Krushnachandra Panigrahi from Odia to English. The essays are now published from Routledge …
Nichole Springer Featured in a Student Spotlight Article
CSA FLAS student Nichole Springer was recently featured in an UW-Madison International Division student spotlight article by the International Division in which she discusses her experiences learning languages. Read the full article here
Shahana Munazir Receives Hyde Dissertation Research Award
Shahana Munazir, a graduate student in University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Department of Anthropology, has received the Hyde Dissertation Research Award for Graduate Students. In a twelve-month ethnographic study, her work will understand how Muslim women …
Samantha Helle Awarded a Fulbright-Hays Research Fellowship
Samantha Helle, a PhD student in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW-Madison, was awarded the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) fellowship. Her study focuses on the tiger conservation in Nepal. Her project …
Jeremy Manheim Receives Ho Buddhist Studies Fellowship
Jeremy Manheim, Ph.D. Student in Asian Languages & Cultures, has recently been awarded a Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies Fellowship to support 10 months of dissertation research about Indian and …
Samantha Helle Awarded Boren Fellowship for Nepal
Photo courtesy of Samantha Helle. Samantha Helle, Conservation Biology PhD Student, was awarded a Boren Fellowship! Helle will use the Boren Fellowship to help fund research on the endangered tiger population across the world, but …