Members of the Sikh Student Association demonstrated the technique for tying turbans during an Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month event Friday on Library Mall. Sikhs wear the turban as an expression of their …
Undergraduate Students
2021 Undergraduate Paper Award Winners
The Center for South Asia is delighted to announce this year’s winners for our Undergraduate Paper Awards! Each year, participating IRIS centers award up to $1000 for the best undergraduate student writing in respective world …
Spring 2021 Graduate Feature: Mahima Bhattar
Her campus legacy? The first South Asian a cappella singing group As a freshman, Mahima Bhattar noticed there was no a cappella singing team among the South Asian performing arts student organizations. She soon rectified …
SASLI and FLAS Applications open
The 2021 South Asia Summer Language Institute, along with summer & academic year FLAS grants, are now accepting applications. Now is the perfect time to apply to fund and study a South Asian language!