Teri Allendorf
Credentials: Assistant Scientist
Position title: SILVIS Lab
Email: allendorf@wisc.edu
Website: Personal Website
Phone: 608-262-3946
University of Wisconsin-Madison
280 Russell Labs, 1360 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706 USA
- Faculty Webpage
- Teri Allendorf
Dr. Teri Allendorf is a conservation biologist who has been working on issues of local communities and protected areas since 1994. She is a scientist in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a research associate with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. She is also an Honorary Fellow in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Land Tenure Center at the UW. She has been a member of USAID’s Biodiversity Team and a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nepal. She conducts research on local communities’ attitudes and perceptions of protected areas and how those can be used to manage protected areas more sustainably. She has worked in Nepal, Myanmar, China, India, Uganda, Guyana, and Guatemala, to develop the capacity of local and national NGOs to design and implement biodiversity conservation projects in collaboration with local communities.