Ann Behrmann
Credentials: Honorary Fellow and Board of Visitors
Position title: Honorary Fellow, Pediatrics, School of Medicine and Public Health; Board of Visitors, Global Health Institute
Phone: (608) 828-4813, (608) 263-8565
UW Hospital Clinic
621 Science Dr
Madison, WI 53711
- Faculty Webpage
- Ann Behrmann
Dr. Ann Behrmann is a Madison pediatrician who worked for more than three decades with Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin. Her interest in international child health began with a month-long rotation in her second year of a UW pediatric residency working on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. She has worked over the years on abolition of nuclear weapons, violence prevention and environmental health issues with Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Environmental Health Network.
After a year’s sabbatical in north India at the Tibetan Children’s Village, she continues to work with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Section on International Child Health as a grant advisor, reviewer and facilitator for ICATCH grants, now currently serving a three year term as the AAP ICATCH Program Director. Two of her ongoing international projects with UW’s Center for South Asia are funding a school lunch program and advising on health and nutrition at Chingari Rehabilitation Centre, in Bhopal, India, and creating and implementing a school health program at the Tibetan Childrens Home (TCH), in Dehradun, India. In collaboration with UW School of Medicine and Public Health pediatric faculty and residents and two other academic pediatric programs, knowledge and experience from TCH will be used to develop a Global School Health Toolkit online resource for pediatricians and school health providers worldwide.