Sherry Harlacher

Credentials: Director

Position title: Director, Center for Design and Material Culture; Pleasant Rowland Distinguished Director of Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection


Phone: (608) 890-4854

1235D Nancy Nicholas Hall
1300 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706

When I was little, I thought about being an archaeologist. I guess I’ve had a lifelong passion for recovering the “forgotten.” I enjoy bringing attention to the incredible potential that resides in the things and the people we take for granted.  My work at SoHE allows me to do both. The historical remains and contemporary products of textile and design cultures and the processes they embody invite us to make time in our busy lives for inspiration, reflection, and transformation.  A single work of art or well-designed tool can open us up to new ways of seeing and being and instill in us a robust optimism about what it means to be human.