Jampa Khedup

Credentials: Tibetan Instructor

Position title: Department of Asian Languages and Cultures

Email: khedup@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-5844

21 N Park St
Madison, WI 53715

Faculty Webpage
Jampa Khedup

Jampa Khedup is a senior lecturer at the UW-Madison and teaching Modern Tibetan since September 2005 at the Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia.

Jampa was born in Mysore, South India after his parents fled Tibet in 1959. He was raised as a Buddhist and a the age of 8 he joined St John’s High School in Bangalore City for two years. At the age of 10 he joined Sera Monastic University and studied Buddhist philosophy, meditation, chanting, rituals, reading and writing in Tibetan language as well as Tibetan grammar under the guidance of his teacher, the late Geshe Thabkey.He graduated from Sera Monastic University and obtained his Geshe degree in 1997 (PhD in Buddhist Philosophy).

In 1998 he came to Deer Park Buddhist Center in Oregon, Wisconsin to assist his spiritual master Geshe Thabkey. During his stay at Deer Park Buddhist Center he gave numerous teachings, lectures on intro to Buddhism, meditation and performed Buddhist chanting to local schools, visiting groups and different church groups.