Anwesha Maity

Credentials: Comparative Literature

Position title: Post-doctorate

Placeholder headshot
Previous Institution(s)
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Areas of Research Interest
postcolonial criticism, genre studies, ancient Sanskrit aesthetics, translation studies
Areas of General Interest
global literature, Environmental humanities, popular cultural studies
List of published and non-published works
Edited Volume

  • 2019 Indian Genre Fiction: Pasts and Future Histories. Eds: Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Aakriti Mandhwani, Anwesha Maity. Routledge

Refereed Journal Articles

  • 2017 “Ghana-da’s Tall-Telling: Reframing History, Estranging Science, and Appropriating Indigenous Structures of Feeling”. Studies in the Fantastic. no. 4, 48-81.
  • 2016 “Estrangement, History and Aesthetic Relish- A Reading of Premendra Mitra’s Manu Dwadosh”. Science Fiction Studies: South Asia Special Issue. vol. 43, n o. 3, 459-478.
  • 2013 “Ghanada, The Fantastical Adventurer”. Jadavpur University Essays and Studies #XXVI, 19-34.

Book Chapters

  • 2019 “Genre Fiction and Aesthetic Relish: Reading rasa in contemporary times” in B. Chattopadhyay et al. (ed), Indian Genre Fiction: Pasts and Future Histories. Routledge.
  • 2011 “Comparing Histories of Science Fiction: Bengal and Japan”. Science Fiction in India, Arvind Mishra et. al. (ed.), New Delhi: Ayush Books, 154-8.

Selected Book reviews, Periodicals and Translations

  • 2018 Book review: “Satyajit Ray’s Travails with The Alien”. Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, vol. 5, no. 1, 72–74.
  • 2018 “Bangla (Bengali) Science Fiction in India” in “Indian Science Fiction History”. Asian Science Fiction Society <>
  • 2009 “Unno Juza: Father of Japanese Science Fiction”, translated to Hindi as “Unno Juza: Aadhunik Japani Vigyan Kathaon ke Janak” by R. R. Upadhyay, Vigyan Katha Traimasik. (Science Stories Quarterly) Sept-Nov.
  • 2009 “History of Science Fiction: Bengal and Japan”, translated to Hindi as “Bangali aur Japani Vigyan Kathaon ki Vikas Yatra” by R. R. Upadhyay, Vigyan Katha Traimasik. (Science Stories Quarterly) Jun-Aug.
  • 2006 “Biswabikhyatao Nasika” (trans. to Bengali from V. M. Basheer’s Malayalam short story) (“The World-renowned Nose”) in S. Dasgupta et. al. (ed.), Sabda Khonje Edesh Odesh: Bharat, Pakistan Sri Lankar Galpo [Stories from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in
    Translation]. Co-translator: P. Venugopal. Kolkata: Abovas, 268-273.
  • 2006 “Maar Coffin” (trans. to Bengali from Astamurthy’s Malayalam s hort story) (“Mother’s Coffin”) in S. Dasgupta et. al. (ed.), Sabda Khonje Edesh Odesh: Bharat, Pakistan Sri Lankar Galpo [Stories from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in Translation]. Co-translator: P. Venugopal. Kolkata: Abovas, 291-92.
  • 2005 “In the Forests of the Night: The shikari tales of Jim Corbett and Edgar Rice Burroughs”. University of Calcutta conference publication British Literature and the Imperial Experience.
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