Parwat Regmi

Credentials: Nepali–English Interpreter and Translator/Workplace Computer Trainer

Position title: Cultural Linguistic Services (CLS)


Phone: (608) 262-7521

Parwat Regmi (pronouns: he/him/his) is a Nepali<>English Interpreter and Translator/Workplace Computer Trainer, a dual position role, at Cultural Linguistic Services (CLS) within the Office of Human Resources. Parwat started his role in January 2020 and works with departments across campus to provide language interpretation and translation services for Nepali-speaking employees and associated human resources and unit staff. Beyond campus, Parwat is also an active community member of Nepali American Friendship Association (NAFA), a local community organization in Madison. You can contact him by emailing him at or calling (608) 262-7521.