Sweta Shrestha

Credentials: Workforce Training Programs Lead

Position title: Population Health Institute

Email: sshrestha@wisc.edu

Faculty Webpage
Sweta Shrestha

Sweta Shrestha is the Workforce Training Programs Lead for the Mobilizing Action Towards Community Health (MATCH) Group at the Population Health Institute (PHI). She manages the Population Health Service Fellowship program, the COVID 19 Response Corps Program and provides leadership and guidance on public health workforce training and development efforts at PHI . She has extensive experience leading community engagement and outreach efforts around the world and brings the global perspective into her role.  She earned her Masters in Public Health and Graduate Global Health Certificate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health focusing on global health and bioethics.

Sweta was previously the Assistant Director for Education for the UW-Madison Global Health Institute, where she served as an advisor and instructional specialist for both the graduate and undergraduate Certificates in Global Health and the associated field experiences. Her previous experiences also include community based family planning in Uganda and strengthening health care services in Nepal, Zambia, Ethiopia, and South Africa. She has lead global health field experiences in Nepal and Sri Lanka was engaged with a range of Global Health Institute initiatives including Quality Improvement Leadership Institute and the Human Rights Initiative within the Global Health Institute.