Program Staff
Staff members from the Center for South Asia, South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI), South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative, and Project GO.
Munazir , Shahana
Kumaria, Anubhav
Bailey, Taylor L.
North, Nicholas C.
Todd Michelson-Ambelang part of $5 Million Mellon Foundation grant to advance anti-racist practices and pedagogy
Todd Michelson-Ambelang, Associate Lecturer and Bibliographer for Scandinavian Humanities, Classics, Jewish, and South Asian Studies, together with a team of interdisciplinary collaborators across UW–Madison, have been awarded $5 million by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation …
December 2020 Newsletter
The December 2020 Center for South Asia Newsletter is now online. We are so proud of the many accomplishments of out our students, staff, and faculty amidst what has proven to be an extraordinarily challenging …
Laura Hammond appointed Director of Language Programs Office
This announcement first appeared on November 27, 2020. A message from Guido Podesta, vice provost and dean, International Division I am pleased to announce the creation of a new unit in the International Division—the Language …
CSA Welcomes New Assistant Director
The Center for South Asia is pleased to welcome incoming Assistant Director Andrea Fowler on December 1st. Andrea Fowler has served the Center as office manager since 2017, coordinating events and communications across a variety …
CSA Director goes Live on Facebook with Chazen
Anthony Cerulli (Director, Center for South Asia and Associate Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures) recently spoke with the Chazen Museum of Art about his participation in their Faculty Exhibition 2020. Cerulli’s contribution included images from …